What is Delisting?

Delisting is the removal of a listed asset from an exchange. Delisting can be voluntary – that is, initiated by the project team – or involuntary. It usually happens when a project ceases operations, no longer meets listing requirements, undergoes a hard fork, split, or reverse split. There are numerous factors that could go into the decision for an exchange to delist an asset.

When an asset is announced to be delisted, what should a trader do?

When an asset is delisted from an exchange, all trading pairs of that asset will cease trading and be removed from the platform. The system will issue an official notice before the time of trading stoppage to notify users. Traders can still trade until the time of trading stoppage.

If you choose to hold the position until the trade stops, the position will automatically proceed to settlement and be closed at the Mark Pirce at the time of stop trade. Please note, automatic payments will be charged transaction fees by the system. All unrealized Profit & Loss are calculated at the time of settlement and converted into settled P&L, calculated using the Mark Price at the time of stop trading.

You are advised to close all open positions of delisted assets before the stop of trading to avoid automatic liquidation or unexpected fees.